I always find it difficult leave early in the morning for a tramp. It was no exception when I left my flat at 6:30am to pick up Jakob and Sam to drive towards the Matukituki and Mt French. In Wanaka we stumbled around in an attempt to buy food for the trip and proudly walked away with six 99c packets of pasta and a couple of carrots. Then it was onwards to Raspberry Creek, where we were greeted by a blue sky and some gorgeous (gaawwwgus) sunshine.
Our trio march toward Aspiring Hut, commenting that the walk was a lot more manageable sober vis a vis Bushball. We cruised past day walkers on the way making the most of the flat terrain that we knew wouldn’t last forever. Aspiring Hut made for a welcome rest break for much needed rehydration. The track past the hut was a lot easier to follow than I found a few weeks prior. Soon we emerged onto Shovel Flat and were greeted by a moody landscape. Giant cliffs towered above us, with cascades falling down their faces. Light filtered through the clouds to cast dappled patterns on the mountain sides.
We raced the sun as it tried to hide behind the mountains on the left of the valley. At Pearl Flat we took off our boots and waded across the Matukituki, simultaneously enjoying the cool…